Microalgal Sourcing

Strain selection – Selecting a suitable strain to match the required nutritional profile. Dunaliella salina, Haematococcus, Spirulina, Chlorella, Diatoms, Isochrysis, Schizochytrium (Heterotrophic), Euglena etc.

Location advantage - For its easy adaptability to local geographical environment for better productivity. All the above factors will have an edge on the cost of production and better quality product.

Research & Development

  • Optimizing the nutrient parameters, growth parameters (Light, Temperature, CO2 requirement if any,) contamination controls.
  • Feasibility studies
  • Nutrient profiling
  • Downstream processing
  • Product formulations

Pilot Studies

  • Optimizing the cultivation parameters, productivity improvement, optimizations of process methods / equipment.
  • Producing market samples.
  • Viability studies ( Cost of production and market potential )

Commercial Operations

Pond Management – Production system contaminant identification, along with potential source vectors which allows the root cause of contamination to be eliminated. Our team has extensive experience in development of methods to manage / control contaminants including early detection methods for rapid response.